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Five No-Cost Employee Recognition Ideas

TXTS4 Leaders List

Five No-Cost Employee Recognition Ideas

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We all love to be recognized for our hard work, and many school leaders make herculean efforts to spotlight shining stars on their campus, especially for big accomplishments and special occasions. Dr. Bob Nelson, author of 1501 Ways to Reward Employees, says, “We can never get enough ideas on how to improve the ways that we reward and recognize our employees.”

Here are five, no cost and no-Pinterest-needed ideas to recognize your staff.

1.       Read letters from grateful parents and students at staff meetings.

2.       When introducing new staff members to current ones, describe the current employee with an example of something amazing they have done on the job.

3.       Call an employee’s significant other, telling him or her something great about the employee, and thank him or her for being a supportive partner.

4.       Celebrations at beginning of meetings where employees offer praise or thanks to one another.

5.       Online greeting cards.

And, we’ll add a sixth one to the list.  Pass around a list of ideas and ask employees to choose two ways they enjoy being recognized.  Maybe even buy Dr. Bob’s book!

Then step back and watch your school culture further blossom!

Nelson, B. (n.d.). Low Cost Recognition Ideas. Retrieved September 19, 2018, from