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Phoenix, AZ 85012


The Maricopa County School Superintendent is statutorily responsible for providing services supporting school governing board elections, bond and override elections, appointments, school finance, and maintaining homeschool and private school records. The superintendent also oversees the Maricopa County accommodation district.

Tips for Extraordinary Customer Service

TXTS4 Leaders List

Tips for Extraordinary Customer Service

Laurie King


You spend a lot of energy working with teachers to make everyone feel welcomed at the beginning of the year.  However, it is often your front office staff or bus drivers who are the first point of contact for your stakeholders.  Have you worked with your classified staff on how you want people to feel after their first point of contact?  Do they have welcoming routines for in person and phone interactions?  Do they know their part in the school vision and goals?

Given the number of choices that parents now have, it is incumbent upon us to ponder how we will rise to the occasion to “catch customers off guard” and “get them talking”.    

Consider having your support staff discuss this short blog post “4 Keys to Delivering Extraordinary Customer Service At Your Business” and apply it to your school.  

Questions for you and your office staff team could include:

  1. What are parents and teachers saying right now about the current condition of customer service at your school?
  2. How can you increase the likelihood that current and prospective parents will “get talking” about exceptional customer service?
  3. In what areas might your school need to improve so that community members start “getting caught off guard”?

Keenan, Jim.  (May 1, 2014).  “4 Keys to Delivering Extraordinary Customer Service At Your Business  Salesforce Blog.