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The Maricopa County School Superintendent is statutorily responsible for providing services supporting school governing board elections, bond and override elections, appointments, school finance, and maintaining homeschool and private school records. The superintendent also oversees the Maricopa County accommodation district.

Every Ending Has a Beginning

TXTS4 Leaders List

Every Ending Has a Beginning

Guest User

com·mence·ment : /kəˈmensmənt/  noun  1. a beginning or start. 

It is time for promotion ceremonies.  Each year, we send the students we nurtured to face future challenges and adventures, hoping that they can transfer their learning to any situation they face.  We can bet that promotion speakers will tell a corny joke, thank those who helped our students in their journey, and send a message that inspires students to face inevitable challenges by leaning into who they are meant to be.  

With the Rewarding Excellence in Instruction and Leadership (REIL) grant ending, we are wrapping up this iteration of TXTS4 Leaders that you have known since 2015. Our mission has been to provide leaders with up-to-date and bite-sized professional learning. It has been a pleasure to work with so many outstanding educators through this partnership.  Thank you for your work and dedication to students, teachers, and our communities.   

We faced some sweeping changes in education together, with a focus on helping leaders:  

  • Bolster human capital management systems that

    • Enable high-quality workforce decision making, and

    • Support the recruitment, growth, engagement, and retention of excellent educators.

  • Extend the reach of our best educators so that all learners receive high-quality teaching.

How has your recent work reflected these priorities?  As you reflect on your leadership, learning, and education since TXTS4 Leaders began in 2015, what leadership lessons, skills, or mindsets will  you continue to use as you address future challenges?    

This is an end, but it is also a new beginning. We know that your leadership will craft a bright future for our students and teachers.  We wish you strength and perseverance.  It’s been REIL.