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The Maricopa County School Superintendent is statutorily responsible for providing services supporting school governing board elections, bond and override elections, appointments, school finance, and maintaining homeschool and private school records. The superintendent also oversees the Maricopa County accommodation district.

Make Your Most Influential Leader Proud

TXTS4 Leaders List

Make Your Most Influential Leader Proud

Guest User

Who is your favorite or most influential leader (past, present, or fictional)?  What could you do this week that would make that leader proud?  How might your actions or words impact the working conditions of your site?  

“School leadership was the most important condition affecting teachers’ willingness to remain teaching at their school.  Teachers who indicated they plan to remain teaching in their school were twice as likely to agree they work in trusting and supportive environments.” (Hirsch, Sioberg, & Germuth, 2010, p. vii)  As teacher contracts are issued, teachers make decisions about whether to return next year. 

Did your most influential leader create a trusting and supportive working environment?  What did that look like on a more daily basis?   It could be as simple as making it easy to ask questions and to discuss problems as well as providing guidance toward solutions.  Consider how your daily actions influence working conditions and teacher retention. 

Hirsch, E., Sioberg, A., & Germuth, A. (2010). TELL Maryland: Listening to educators to create successful schools. Retrieved from Office of Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley website: