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Pronouncing Students' Name Correctly IS a Big Deal!

TXTS4 Leaders List

Pronouncing Students' Name Correctly IS a Big Deal!

Guest User

Our incredibly diverse campuses abound with beautiful names from many languages.  And, as a leader, making the effort to pronounce every individual’s name on campus can be challenging. Yet, it is worth the effort.

Educator and researcher, Punita Chhabra Rice, knows the frustration first-hand.  Her article, Pronouncing Students’ Names Correctly Should Be a Big Deal (2017) includes a guide to “help educators develop strategies for pronouncing the many diverse names they are expected to learn every year.”

Her last piece of advice is worth quoting here:

Learn from your mistakes.   Mistakes are acceptable, and they will happen.  The important thing is to make an effort to learn from them.  As any dedicated teacher knows, good teaching is not about doing everything perfectly, but about constantly striving to improve our own pedagogy and compassion for our students.

We invite you to share and discuss the full article with your entire staff, from front office personnel to teachers.

Rice, P. C. (2018, June 27). Pronouncing Students' Names Correctly Should Be a Big Deal. Retrieved October 23, 2018, from