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Filtering by Category: Supplies and Resources

Using Kahoot for Fun, New Knowledge, and Review

Guest User

Kahoot is a "game website" where you can use others content or create your own of ANYTHING. I have created vocabulary or content review sessions. There are also options that others have created around holidays, TV shows, literally every content area. Students enjoy it for the competitive piece that makes the learning more fun. The top three students get put on a podium and the more points you score before time is up drives the "game". You can do it as a whole class, or even assign it as an individual task. There are also options for collaborations and lesson embedding options.

Submitted by: Christina Salazar, Legend Springs Elementary School, Deer Valley Unified School District.

Using Pear Deck for Teaching with Engagement Online

Guest User

Pear Deck gives teachers the ability to create interactive lesson slides that allow for immediate feedback of student understanding as well as higher levels of engagement. Teachers can develop formative assessments using different tools such as short response, multiple choice, drawing, drag and drop, and more. Students are able to follow along with the lessons and answer questions to demonstrate their understanding, all in real time, which allows for engagement from students during class. Since each Pear Deck presentation is created by the teacher, the levels of difficulty and types of questions asked can all be based on the teacher's knowledge of the students within the class. Once the lesson is complete, students are able to access the slides at a later date if they choose in order to help revisit their learning or enhance it should they choose. This also gives the teacher reteaching opportunities for small and whole group should the need arise.

Submitted by: Amanda Porras, Winters' Well Elementary School, Saddle Mountain Unified School District

BAM! Body and Mind Classroom Resources

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“BAM! Body and Mind” is a portal to classroom resources for teachers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The page features information and tools for teachers of grades 4-8 to use in the classroom. From Nutrition to the risks or E-cigarettes and Alcohol, each unit listed includes facts to help students make healthier lifestyle choices.

Using Padlet to Share Ideas

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Padlet is like a blank screen to create beautiful projects that are easy to share and collaborate on. You start with an empty page and can add whatever you like on it. You can upload videos/pictures, record an interview, write your own text posts and even upload documents. You can make your Padlet come to life however you decide through an open collaborate space that authors would have access to at any given time.

Adobe Spark

Guest User

Adobe Spark is an app that allows you to create posts, webpages, and videos. Items created with Adobe Spark can be easily integrated into virtual classroom platforms such as Google classroom, Canvas, Microsoft teams and others.

Submitted by: Kathryn Riley, Kyrene Digital Academy, Kyrene School District