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Industry Challenges Collection

Professional Skills Challenge

Laurie King


A series of professional skills challenges designed for team-building activities, focusing on collaboration, communication, and innovation. Each challenge involves transporting a fragile object through an obstacle course without damaging it, with participants using tools like upside-down plastic cups and strings.

Key Challenges:

  1. Collaboration: Teams work together to navigate the course.

  2. Complex Communication: A team leader directs the group while other members are blindfolded.

  3. Innovation: Teams are encouraged to modify their strategies based on previous attempts and available materials.

The challenges aim to develop key professional skills such as teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, and communication. Each task includes reflection questions to help participants analyze their performance, handle conflicts, and improve their strategies for future team settings. Additionally, the document emphasizes essential skills for the workplace like initiative, professionalism, and cross-cultural competence.