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4041 N. Central Ave., Ste. 1200
Phoenix, AZ 85012



Introducing a new initiative for 6th-12th grades dedicated to Bioscience* and Healthcare Career Awareness, made possible with funding from the Flinn Foundation. The resources for this initiative are free to use and includes the following: 

On-demand Video Career Spotlights with Industry Professionals include:

  • Classroom resources to support Career Awareness development and Real-world Learning -or- connect classroom relevance.

  • Direct connections with Industry Professionals for your classroom via Educator Pro Connect platform

It’s easy to get started! Learn more about the Educator Pro Connect platform below and sign up with the link start connecting with Industry Professionals today.

Bioscience & Healthcare Career Explorations

Explore some examples of industry professional spotlight industry spotlights below and use this bioscience/industry spotlight engagement resource to help your students connect with professionals and the industry!


Activity - Career Spotlight Exploration

Bioscience Team Challenge Part 1

Welcome to the EPBH Bioscience Week 2024! Join Dylan Peay, Ph.D., Manager, Entrepreneurial Programs and Grants at AZBio and Mary O’Reilly, Ph.D., Vice President, Bioscience Research Programs at the Flinn Foundation as they welcome you to Bioscience Week 2024 and define the fields of Bioscience and Healthcare in Arizona.


Activity - What makes a great leader?

We're thrilled to introduce our first Industry Spotlight with Thatcher Hoppe, Manufacturing Manager at Calviri. Thatcher is doing some incredible work in the fight against cancer, and he's here to share how he's helping to identify and prevent it. He will also talk about how his time in the Marine Corps helped him develop important career skills that he uses daily and offer advice if you’re interested in pursuing a career in cutting-edge of science.


Activity - Goalsetting - The Power of Discipline

Bioscience Team Challenge Part 2

Today, we’re shining the spotlight on Erika Enriquez, the warehouse operations manager at Langham Logistics in Phoenix, Arizona. Langham Logistics is a woman-owned company that handles the transportation and storage of pharmaceuticals and lab supplies. Erika will talk about how teamwork and math play a big role in her job every day and give tips on what you can do now to set yourself up for success in the future.


Activity - Speak Up!

In this spotlight, we’ll meet Gabrielle Wycoff, a Medical Laboratory Director and Scientist at Sonora Quest Laboratories. Gabrielle will give us an inside look at her job and the steps you can take to work in this industry. You’ll learn what a laboratory director does and how you can start preparing now for a career as a laboratory scientist. Gabrielle will also share how her school experiences helped her succeed in her job.


Activity - The Power of Collaboration

In today’s spotlight video, we’re excited to introduce Mya Davis, Environmental Health Program Manager at the Arizona Department of Health Services. Mya focuses on health education and community outreach across Arizona. She’ll explain how she uses data and public health trends to solve problems and promote community well-being. Mya will also talk about why good communication and teamwork are key to reaching as many people as possible, and how being adaptable, flexible, and resilient helps her succeed. Lastly, she’ll share advice for anyone interested in science but unsure about which career path to choose.


In today’s video, we’ll meet Dr. Sherri Borman, Ph.D., lab director at Castle Biosciences. Castle Biosciences implements innovative diagnostic tools based on a person’s unique biology to assist physicians with the management and treatment of diseases. Dr. Borman will share her personal journey and offer advice for anyone interested in pursuing a career in the laboratory science field.



Earn PD Credit with AZ Bioscience Week

Did you know that participating in AZ Bioscience activities can earn you credit towards your Professional Development goals? We’re excited to offer three different PD opportunities from the “Exploring Pathways to Bioscience and Healthcare” program featured during Bioscience Weeks and the Educator Pro Connect platform:

  • Use Industry Spotlight Video(s) for Engagement/Discussion

  • Lead Team or “Solve-It” Challenges from a Bioscience Week

  • Use Educator Pro Connect to interact with an Industry Professional

Learn more about each of these opportunities here:

AZBIO Resources


Career Exploration Resources