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4041 N. Central Ave., Ste. 1100
Phoenix, AZ 85012


The Maricopa County School Superintendent is statutorily responsible for providing services supporting school governing board elections, bond and override elections, appointments, school finance, and maintaining homeschool and private school records. The superintendent also oversees the Maricopa County accommodation district.

Solve It Collection

All Solve It episodes are displayed here. And when applicable, the associated STEM Pro Live! archived video. Used together, these resources will provide students with authentic learning opportunities and connect that learning to a career where the acquired skills are applied.

Solve It STEM Challenge: Disinfecting Schools

Guest User

This month, Solve It STEM Challenge is all about preventing the spread of germs in our schools. Solve It includes these resources:

  • A short video that teachers can share with their students to introduce the challenge

  • A sample lesson to teach the design thinking process

  • A Design Thinking Resource Video

The goal is to provide the teachers and students an opportunity to collaboratively design solutions to problems that align to their curriculum with real-world applications.

We would love for you to share what standards you are addressing and some of the solutions your students came up with by emailing us at or in the comment section below!

Student Video:

STEM Pro Live and Engineer Panel Discussion with Intel Professionals:

Design Thinking Resource Video:

Download this sample lesson from Intel to teach the design thinking process.

Have a great idea for a future Solve It: Monthly STEM Challenge? Let us know by emailing:

Solve It STEM Challenge: Natural Gas Awareness Contest

Guest User

This month, Solve It STEM Challenge is all about natural gas (and a chance to win some cash for your classroom)! Solve It includes these resources:

  • A short video that teachers can share with their students to introduce the challenge

  • A template which describes the engineering design process and includes some guiding questions for each of the steps and additional resources.

  • And connections to the real world featuring one of our STEM Pro Live! episodes.

The goal is to provide the teachers and students an opportunity to collaboratively design solutions to problems that align to their curriculum with real world applications.

We would love for you to share what standards you are addressing and some of the solutions your students came up with by emailing us at STEMinfo@maricopa.govor in the comment section below!

Student Video:

STEM Pro Live with Southwest Gas:

Natural Gas Safety Awareness Contest:

Engineering Design Process: Natural Gas Awareness Contest

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To learn more about the Contest and for additional resources, click here.

Have a great idea for a future Solve It: Monthly STEM Challenge? Let us know by emailing:

Solve It: Student Drop-off/ Pick-up Safety

Guest User

This month, Solve It STEM Challenge is all about student safety.  Solve It includes these resources:

  • A short video that teachers can share with their students to introduce the challenge

  • A template which describes the engineering design process and includes some guiding questions for each of the steps and additional resources.

  • And connections to the real world featuring one of our STEM Pro Live! episodes.

The goal is to provide the teachers and students an opportunity to collaboratively design solutions to problems that align to their curriculum with real world applications.

We would love for you to share what standards you are addressing and some of the solutions your students came up with by emailing us at STEMinfo@maricopa.govor in the comment section below!

Student Video:

STEM Pro Live with DBE Surveying:

Sample Footage for Air Quality:

Engineering Design Process: Student Drop-off/ Pick-up Safety

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To learn more about the Contest and for additional resources, click here.

Have a great idea for a future Solve It: Monthly STEM Challenge? Let us know by emailing:

Solve It: Spreading Germs and Disease

Guest User

This month, Solve It is all about germs! Solve It includes these resources:

  • A short video that teachers can share with their students to introduce the challenge

  • A template which describes the engineering design process and includes some guiding questions for each of the steps and additional resources.

  • And connections to the real world featuring one of our STEM Pro Live! episodes.

The goal is to provide the teachers and students an opportunity to collaboratively design solutions to problems that align to their curriculum with real world applications.

We would love for you to share what standards you are addressing and some of the solutions your students came up with by emailing us at STEMinfo@maricopa.govor in the comment section below!

Student Video:

STEM Pro Live with TGen

Engineering Design Process: Germs and Disease

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Download here.

Have a great idea for a future Solve It: Monthly STEM Challenge? Let us know by emailing:

Solve It: Manufacturing and Nutrition

Guest User

This month, Solve It is all about manufacturing and nutrition! Solve It includes these resources:

  • A short video that teachers can share with their students to introduce the challenge

  • A template which describes the engineering design process and includes some guiding questions for each of the steps and additional resources.

  • And connections to the real world featuring one of our STEM Pro Live! episodes.

The goal is to provide the teachers and students an opportunity to collaboratively design solutions to problems that align to their curriculum with real world applications.

We would love for you to share what standards you are addressing and some of the solutions your students came up with by emailing us at STEMinfo@maricopa.govor in the comment section below!

Student Video:

STEM Pro Live with Abbott

Engineering Design Process: Manufacturing and Nutrition

Screen Shot 2019-10-23 at 2.35.18 PM.png

Download here.

Have a great idea for a future Solve It: Monthly STEM Challenge? Let us know by emailing:

Solve It: Unstructured Time and Recess at Schools

Guest User

This month, Solve It is all about recess! Solve It includes these resources:

  • A short video that teachers can share with their students to introduce the challenge

  • A template which describes the engineering design process and includes some guiding questions for each of the steps and additional resources.

  • And connections to the real world featuring one of our STEM Pro Live! episodes.

The goal is to provide the teachers and students an opportunity to collaboratively design solutions to problems that align to their curriculum with real world applications.

We would love for you to share what standards you are addressing and some of the solutions your students came up with by emailing us at STEMinfo@maricopa.govor in the comment section below!

Student Video:

STEM Pro Live with Palo Verde Generating Station

Engineering Design Process: Unstructured Time and Recess at Schools

Download here

Download here

Have a great idea for a future Solve It: Monthly STEM Challenge? Let us know by emailing:

Solve It: Communication

Guest User

This month, Solve It is all about communication! Each month's Solve It includes these resources:

  • A short video that teachers can share with their students to introduce the challenge

  • A teacher video that will provide some background and a demonstration of an activity that can be used to launch the challenge.

  • A template which describes the engineering design process and includes some guiding questions for each of the steps and additional resources.

  • And connections to the real world featuring one of our STEM Pro Live! episodes.

The goal is to provide the teachers and students an opportunity to collaboratively design solutions to problems that align to their curriculum with real world applications.

We would love for you to share what standards you are addressing and some of the solutions your students came up with by emailing us at STEMinfo@maricopa.govor in the comment section below!

Student Video:

Teacher Video:

STEM Pro Live with Insight Enterprises

Engineering Design Process: Communication

Have a great idea for a future Solve It: Monthly STEM Challenge? Let us know by emailing:

Solve It: Drought and Water Conservation

Guest User

This month, Solve It is all about drought and water conservation! Each month's Solve It includes these resources:

  • A short video that teachers can share with their students to introduce the challenge

  • A teacher video that will provide some background and a demonstration of an activity that can be used to launch the challenge.

  • A template which describes the engineering design process and includes some guiding questions for each of the steps and additional resources.

  • And connections to the real world featuring one of our STEM Pro Live! episodes.

The goal is to provide the teachers and students an opportunity to collaboratively design solutions to problems that align to their curriculum with real world applications.

We would love for you to share what standards you are addressing and some of the solutions your students came up with by emailing us at STEMinfo@maricopa.govor in the comment section below!

Student Video:

Teacher Video:

STEM Pro Live! with the Arizona Department of Water Resources

Engineering Design Process: Drought and Water Conservation

Amazing Water Race Worksheet

Have a great idea for a future Solve It: Monthly STEM Challenge? Let us know by emailing:

Solve It: Physical Therapy and Rehab

Guest User

This month, Solve It is all about physical therapy! Each month's Solve It includes these resources:

  • A short video that teachers can share with their students to introduce the challenge

  • A teacher video that will provide some background and a demonstration of an activity that can be used to launch the challenge.

  • A template which describes the engineering design process and includes some guiding questions for each of the steps and additional resources.

  • And connections to the real world featuring one of our STEM Pro Live! episodes.

The goal is to provide the teachers and students an opportunity to collaboratively design solutions to problems that align to their curriculum with real world applications.

We would love for you to share what standards you are addressing and some of the solutions your students came up with by emailing us at STEMinfo@maricopa.govor in the comment section below!

Student Video:

Teacher Video:

STEM Pro Live! with Next Level Physical Therapy and Performance

Engineering Design Process: Physical Therapy and Rehab

Have a great idea for a future Solve It: Monthly STEM Challenge? Let us know by emailing:

Solve It: Food and Energy

Guest User

This month, Solve It is all about food and energy! Each month's Solve It includes these resources:

  • A short video that teachers can share with their students to introduce the challenge

  • A teacher video that will provide some background and a demonstration of an activity that can be used to launch the challenge.

  • A template which describes the engineering design process and includes some guiding questions for each of the steps and additional resources.

  • And connections to the real world featuring one of our STEM Pro Live! episodes.

The goal is to provide the teachers and students an opportunity to collaboratively design solutions to problems that align to their curriculum with real world applications.

We would love for you to share what standards you are addressing and some of the solutions your students came up with by emailing us at STEMinfo@maricopa.govor in the comment section below!

Student Video:

Teacher Video:

STEM Pro Live! with ASU College of Health Solutions

Engineering Design Process: Food and Energy

Have a great idea for a future Solve It: Monthly STEM Challenge? Let us know by emailing:

Solve It: Holiday Lighting

Guest User

This month, Solve It is all about distracted driving! Each month's Solve It includes these resources:

  • A short video that teachers can share with their students to introduce the challenge

  • A teacher video that will provide some background and a demonstration of an activity that can be used to launch the challenge.

  • A template which describes the engineering design process and includes some guiding questions for each of the steps and additional resources.

  • And connections to the real world featuring one of our STEM Pro Live! episodes.

The goal is to provide the teachers and students an opportunity to collaboratively design solutions to problems that align to their curriculum with real world applications.

We would love for you to share what standards you are addressing and some of the solutions your students came up with by emailing us at STEMinfo@maricopa.govor in the comment section below!

Student Video:

Teacher Video:

STEM Pro Live! with First Solar

Engineering Design Process: Holiday Lighting

Have a great idea for a future Solve It: Monthly STEM Challenge? Let us know by emailing:

Solve It: Distracted Driving

Guest User

This month, Solve It is all about distracted driving! Each month's Solve It includes these resources:

  • A short video that teachers can share with their students to introduce the challenge

  • A teacher video that will provide some background and a demonstration of an activity that can be used to launch the challenge.

  • A template which describes the engineering design process and includes some guiding questions for each of the steps and additional resources.

  • And connections to the real world featuring one of our STEM Pro Live! episodes.

The goal is to provide the teachers and students an opportunity to collaboratively design solutions to problems that align to their curriculum with real world applications.

We would love for you to share what standards you are addressing and some of the solutions your students came up with by emailing us at STEMinfo@maricopa.govor in the comment section below!

Student Video:

Teacher Video:

STEM Pro Live! with the Motorsports Industry

Engineering Design Process: Distracted Driving

Have a great idea for a future Solve It: Monthly STEM Challenge? Let us know by emailing


Solve It: Water Resources

Guest User

This month, Solve It is all about water resources! Each month's Solve It includes these resources:

  • A short video that teachers can share with their students to introduce the challenge

  • A teacher video that will provide some background and a demonstration of an activity that can be used to launch the challenge.

  • A template which describes the engineering design process and includes some guiding questions for each of the steps and additional resources.

  • And connections to the real world featuring one of our STEM Pro Live! episodes.

The goal is to provide the teachers and students an opportunity to collaboratively design solutions to problems that align to their curriculum with real world applications.

We would love for you to share what standards you are addressing and some of the solutions your students came up with by emailing us at STEMinfo@maricopa.govor in the comment section below!

Student Video:

Teacher Video:

STEM Pro Live! with Arizona Department of Water Resources

Engineering Design Process: Water Resources

Have a great idea for a future Solve It: Monthly STEM Challenge? Let us know by emailing

Solve It: Wildlife Rescue

Guest User

This month, Solve It is all about wildlife rescue! Each month's Solve It includes these resources:

  • A short video that teachers can share with their students to introduce the challenge

  • A teacher video that will provide some background and a demonstration of an activity that can be used to launch the challenge.

  • A template which describes the engineering design process and includes some guiding questions for each of the steps and additional resources.

  • And connections to the real world featuring one of our STEM Pro Live! episodes.

The goal is to provide the teachers and students an opportunity to collaboratively design solutions to problems that align to their curriculum with real world applications.

We would love for you to share what standards you are addressing and some of the solutions your students came up with by emailing us at STEMinfo@maricopa.govor in the comment section below!

Student Video:

Teacher Video:

STEM Pro Live! with Liberty Wildlife

Engineering Design Process: Wildlife Rescue

Have a great idea for a future Solve It: Monthly STEM Challenge? Let us know by emailing


360˚ Video - Owl Den at Liberty Wildlife