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Teacher Retention Survey

Teacher Retention Survey

The Teacher Retention Survey aims to develop a comprehensive understanding of the specific factors and actions of administrators and colleagues that keep teachers in the classroom.

Outside of salary increases, our goal is to determine and share the strategies that school leaders use to create a positive school culture and the specific activities teachers want to do to make their work more fulfilling.

The data for this survey was collected during the 2022-2023 School Year. We also collected follow up information through our Teacher Newsletters during the 2023-2024 School Year.

Since January 2023, we have been sharing data drops with Maricopa County educators through our Teacher and Principal Newsletters. Through these newsletters, we’ve also asked for additional information; throughout 2024, we will be sharing those findings.

We aim to communicate our findings and data through this webpage, social media, and our Teacher and Principal Newsletters.

The first iteration of this survey is now closed. We will likely open another iteration after we process and share all the data.

Teacher voice is essential to these discussions. We'd love to know if any of these topics interest you, as your input is vital to our office to provide paramount and timely support to you and other educators in the county.


We've had over 3,900 teachers from 57 Maricopa County school districts participate in our Teacher Retention Survey.

Each of the data points are broken down by:

  • Combined Overall Rating

  • 0-1 Years in the Teaching Profession

  • 2-4 Years in the Teaching Profession

  • 5-9 Years in the Teaching Profession

  • 10-19 Years in the Teaching Profession

  • 20+ Years in the Teaching Profession

*More results, data visualizations, and strategies will continue to be shared.

Jump to the section you’d like to see

January 2023 Data Drop — Overall Percentage of Teacher Workload Rating

February 2023 Data Drop — Teacher Stress Nationwide vs. Maricopa County

March 2023 Data Drop — Impact of Student Behaviors

April 2023 Data Drop — Admin Support Part 1 of 3

May 2023 Data Drop — Admin Support Part 2 of 3

August 2023 Data Drop — Admin Support Part 3 of 3

January 2024 Data Drop — Teacher Well-Being

January 2023 Data Drop:
Overall Percentage of Teachers Workload Rating

Click the Image to see a school district heatmap of teachers who participated in our Teacher Retention Survey

Teacher Rationale for Manageable Workloads

Click the Image to see a school district heatmap of teachers who indicated their workload was Manageable.

Teacher Rationale for Unmanageable Workloads

Click the Image to see a school district heatmap of teachers who indicated their workload was Unmanageable.

Teacher Solutions on How to Make Their Workloads Manageable

Click the Image to see a school district heatmap of teachers who provided a solution on how to make their workload Manageable.

February 2023 Data Drop:
Teacher Stress Nationwide Vs. Maricopa County


March 2023 Data Drop:
Impact of Student Behaviors


April 2023 Data Drop:
Admin Support Part 1 of 3


May 2023 Data Drop:
Admin Support Part 2 of 3


August 2023 Data Drop:
Admin Support Part 3 of 3

January 2024 Data Drop:
Teacher Well-Being


In Superintendent Watson’s November 2023 Teacher Newsletter, he asked Maricopa County teachers to expand on the issues they believe impact teacher well-being and the strategies they feel can support it.

We have categorized their responses below.