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Podcast: Extra Credit

Steve Watson and Allison Gentala talk homeschooling

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During coronavirus, many parents are starting to homeschool their children and getting a lot more involved. This is a positive development to have hybrid learning and ensuring it's effective, even though for younger students it's necessary to have an adult to help navigate the learning process, whether teacher or parent. Students have a great deal of opportunities from field trips and outdoor activities to sports and competition. There are even specific homeschool programs for dyslexic students.

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Steve Watson and John Watson talk online education

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John Watson has more than two decades of online learning and digital instruction experience. Today, however, this is still a lot to be done to add to the tremendous work going on in school districts. During COVID, schools learned they've had the tools for 20 years, but not necessarily ready to develope and use them just yet. We have an opportunity to be creative and proactive now.

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Steve Watson Interviews Ray McNulty

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As a teacher, Watson was greatly influenced by McNulty who talks about change in K-12 education. Do we do things differently now compared to 1989? Where are our opportunities now? Our delivery model has remained the same — face to face — that’s where our training is. But online learning is here to stay and shaking things up with multiple delivery models.

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