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Phoenix, AZ 85012


The Maricopa County School Superintendent is statutorily responsible for providing services supporting school governing board elections, bond and override elections, appointments, school finance, and maintaining homeschool and private school records. The superintendent also oversees the Maricopa County accommodation district.


Exploring Pathways to Bioscience and Health Careers

An initiative for 6th-12th grades dedicated to Bioscience and Healthcare Career Awareness, made possible with funding from the Flinn Foundation.

Defining the Biosciences in Arizona

  • Agricultural Feedstock & Industrial Biosciences

  • Bioscience-Related Distribution

  • Pharmaceuticals & Diagnostics

  • Medical Devices & Equipment

  • Research, Testing, & Medical Labs

  • Hospitals

The resources for this initiative are free to use and include Career Spotlight videos featuring local industry professionals and classroom resources aligned to spotlight videos to support career awareness, real-world learning, and connect classroom relevance.

Educator Pro Connect

Educator Pro Connect is an app that connects educators with industry professionals to enhance real-world classroom applications and bring awareness to college and career pathways.

Educator Pro Connect supports educators by:

  • Connecting coursework to real-world learning

  • Developing career identity with students

  • Enhancing their content knowledge

  • Providing partners for projects or events

Industry Spotlights

All Industry Professionals are available to join your classroom through the Educator Pro Connect platform!


Industry Spotlight of the Week!

✏️ Industry Spotlight Activity - Digital Marketing Manager

Rebecca Determan, MBA, helps share TGen’s cutting-edge science with the world! As a digital marketing manager, she uses social media, emails, and storytelling to connect people with research in precision medicine. She stresses the importance of writing, math, critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork—skills students use every day.

Teachers, check out TGen’s summer programs for high school students to explore careers in bioscience!


Dr. Steve Young, Chief Laboratory Scientist at Arbo Scientific, helps public health agencies track vector-borne diseases. He designs mosquito traps, conducts field testing, and uses math and science daily to identify pathogens. Passionate about problem-solving, he encourages students to explore microbiology, virology, and hands-on lab experiences to pursue careers in disease research.

How do science and technology create life-changing medical treatments? Meet Dr. Matt Becker, Ph.D., CTO of Immunoshield Therapeutics, a leader in cell therapies. In this video, he shares his journey in biomedical engineering, key skills for success, and advice for future STEM innovators. Get inspired to explore the world of biotechnology!

Join Tiffany Wimbish, R.N. from the HUG Clinic at Gateway Community College as she shares the story of her journey to emergency room nurse. Tiffany also shares some important considerations for anyone interested in finding a career in the healthcare field.

In this spotlight, we welcome Heather Murray, PTA, from the HUG Clinic at Gateway Community College. Heather shares the story of her journey as she leads the HUG Clinic and offers great advice for all students!

SaPHE Lab - Safe Patient Handling Education

✏️Industry Spotlight Activity - BioDetective - Personalized Diagnostics in Action

Dr. Sherri Borman, Ph.D., is the lab director at Castle Biosciences. Castle Biosciences implements innovative diagnostic tools based on a person’s unique biology to assist physicians with the management and treatment of diseases. Dr. Borman will share her personal journey and offer advice for anyone interested in pursuing a career in the laboratory science field.

✏️ Industry Spotlight Activity - What makes a great leader?

Thatcher Hoppe, Manufacturing Manager at Calviri is doing some incredible work in the fight against cancer, and he's here to share how he's helping to identify and prevent it. He will also talk about how his time in the Marine Corps helped him develop important career skills that he uses daily and offer advice if you’re interested in pursuing a career in cutting-edge of science.

✏️Industry Spotlight Activity - The Case of the Missing Artifact

Do you like to solve mysteries? Maybe you have an analytical mind? Join us as we meet Katherine Nordell, MLS (ASCP), SM, Supervisor-Bacteriology at the Arizona Department of Health Services. Katie works with healthcare providers to identify dangerous pathogens to help doctors solve mysterious illnesses. She also reminds us that not all jobs in science require you to be an expert in the field!

✏️Industry Spotlight Activity - The Power of Collaboration

Mya Davis is the Environmental Health Program Manager at the Arizona Department of Health Services. Mya focuses on health education and community outreach across Arizona. She explains how she uses data and public health trends to solve problems and promote community well-being. Mya also talks about why good communication and teamwork are key to reaching as many people as possible, and how being adaptable, flexible, and resilient helps her succeed. Lastly, she shares advice for anyone interested in science but unsure about which career path to choose.

✏️Industry Spotlight Activity - The Recipe Relay Challenge

Meet Riley Grapentine, Laboratory Technician at the Arizona Department of Health Services. Riley shares his day to day work schedule and emphasizes the importance of communication and literacy in his field. He also reminds us to take care of ourselves, because we can only be at our best when we are healthy and happy!

In this spotlight, you’ll learn about the important field of Neurology from Thamarai Wilkinson, B.E., R.EEG. T, Neurodiagnostic Tech II at the Mayo Clinic.

Check out the following resources for mor information about the exciting field of neurology!

ASET - The Neurodiagnostic Society

ABRET - Neurodiagnostic Credentialing and Accreditation

END Technology at Gateway CC

Mayo Neurodiagnostic Technologist Program

✏️ Industry Spotlight Activity - Career Spotlight Exploration

✏️ Bioscience Team Challenge Part 1

✏️ Bioscience Team Challenge Part 2

Meet Dylan Peay, Ph.D., Manager of Entrepreneurial Programs and Grants at AZBio, as he introduces available bioscience careers throughout Arizona.  Bioscience spans multiple industry sectors and career pathways, such as: agricultural, bioscience-related distribution, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, research labs, and hospitals. The opportunities are endless!

Are you interested in creatively solving problems and working with teams to make a difference in the healthcare industry? In this Industry Spotlight, Ursula Fletcher, MHA, RN, CPHQ, CPPS, a Nursing Quality Specialist at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, and Arizona Nurses Association Florence Nightingale Practice Award recipient, will share how she asks the “5 Why’s” to solve problems and work with colleagues to review trends in data leading to innovative solutions in her workplace!

Do you love kids and want to work with children to develop healthy habits? In this Industry Spotlight, Pediatrician Dr. Kara Block, MD, will provide insight into what it is like to be a Doctor of Pediatrics and how her passion for treating and educating patients in rural communities brought her back home to the rural community of Yavapai, Arizona. 

✏️Industry Spotlight Activity - Goalsetting - The Power of Discipline

This video features Erika Enriquez, warehouse operations manager at Langham Logistics in Phoenix, Arizona. Langham Logistics is a woman-owned company that handles the transportation and storage of pharmaceuticals and lab supplies. Erika will talk about how teamwork and math play a big role in her job every day and give tips on what you can do now to set yourself up for success in the future.

Are you interested in learning about the exciting innovations in medical technology?  In this Industry Spotlight, Nathan Brent, RN, MSN/Ed., the Senior Program Coordinator for the Center for Simulation and Innovation at U of Arizona College of Medicine in Phoenix, will share how he combines his nursing career with technology to train students for medical careers! 

Who doesn't love a nice slobbery kiss from your dog? The only gross part is dealing with the bad breath! In this Industry Spotlight, Dr. Eric Lyons, Chief Science Officer and co-founder of uPetsia, will share the wonderful world of Microbial biology. Learn how his entrepreneurial spirit led him on a quest to turn smelly dog breath into Happy Dog Breath! 

Join Administrative Director Jacinto Espinosa Jr. as he shares his career at Sonora Quest Laboratories. In this industry spotlight, Jacinto discusses the work his team does to identify infectious diseases and how he uses critical thinking, math, and science to complete his job. He will also share ways for you to get into the field of medical diagnostics.

Did you know PA (Physician Assistant/Associate) has been repeatedly voted as one of the best positions and most needed healthcare professions? Not to mention, it takes less schooling than a medical doctor! In this Industry Spotlight, Samantha Johnston, PA-C, a Physician Assistant (PA) at the Community Health Center of Yavapai, will share about the versatility of a PA career and how she can provide both health care and education for her patients.

What is the perfect blend of a career that combines science, healthcare, direct patient contact, and technology? It is a pharmacist! In this Industry Spotlight, Pharmacist Dr. Nicole Henry, PharmD who leads CVS Pharmacies in the Southwest and is an Assistant Professor for R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy, U of A, will share how she wanted a career that would make a difference in the healthcare industry by combining her interest in patient care and love of the sciences. 

Significant advances in modern technology related to optical detection and imaging systems have helped medical professionals unveil novel means of diagnoses down to the cellular level! In this Industry Spotlight, Dr. Raj Chakraborty, General Manager for Laser Components Detector Group: Life Sciences/Medicine, will share how his career combines engineering and optical detection technology to develop diagnostic solutions for Biosciences!

In this industry spotlight, we get to learn about the role of technical director at Sonora Quest Laboratories from Lindsay Ramos. Lindsay is responsible for writing the policies and procedures to help patients obtain a diagnosis. Lindsay also shares how she uses problem solving, communication, and science in her day-to-day work. She will also share her pathway into her career.

Do you want a career that provides hands-on work and makes a difference in patients' oral healthcare each day? In this Industry Spotlight, you'll smile from ear to ear as you hear from Brandi Skipper, RDH, a Registered Dental Hygienist from the rural Community Health Center of Yavapai. Brandi will share her passion for educating patients on oral hygiene and care, leading to overall health and well-being and the fun and exciting parts of her career. 

Would you like a rewarding career that is in high demand and provides impact in your local community? In this Industry Spotlight, Amber Bahm, DNP, FNP, a Doctor of Nursing Practice and Family Nurse Practitioner at the Community Health Center of Yavapai, will share how rewarding her career is in improving the healthcare of patients of all ages.

✏️Industry Spotlight Activity - Speak Up!

In this spotlight, we’ll meet Gabrielle Wycoff, a Medical Laboratory Director and Scientist at Sonora Quest Laboratories. Gabrielle will give us an inside look at her job and the steps you can take to work in this industry. You’ll learn what a laboratory director does and how you can start preparing now for a career as a laboratory scientist. Gabrielle will also share how her school experiences helped her succeed in her job.

Earn PD Credit by Integrating EPBC Resources in your Classroom!

Did you know that interacting with the spotlight videos can earn you credit towards your Professional Development goals? We’re excited to offer three different PD opportunities from the “Exploring Pathways to Bioscience and Healthcare” program.

  • Use Industry Spotlight Video(s) for Engagement/Discussion

  • Lead Team or “Solve-It” Challenges

  • Use Educator Pro Connect to interact with an Industry Professional

Learn more about each of these opportunities by clicking below:

AZBIO Resources

Career Exploration Resources